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Sunday Nippers


Nippers is held on Sundays 10:00-12:00 between November and February at Mills Beach in Mornington.
Please refer to Calender for Twilight and Holiday program dates.

"The best thing about going to nippers - is doing flags, seeing my friends and playing on the beach afterwards"

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        - Marli 7 years old

"I love nippers because I like to do the sprints, flags and wade in the water - I also get to see all my friends!"

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        - Lachlan 8 years old


Each Age group has it is own coloured flag that are used on Friday/Sunday Nippers and at Carnivals.


AGE GROUP                            AGE/BIRTHDAY                                FLAG COLOUR



Under 6               1st October 2012 to 30th September 2013



Under 7               1st October 2011 to 30th September 2012 



Under 8               1st October 2010 to 30th September 2011



Under 9               1st October 2009 to 30th September 2010 



Under 10             1st October 2008 to 30th September 2009



Under 11             1st October 2007 to 30th September 2008 



Under 12             1st October 2006 to 30th September 2007 



Under 13             1st October 2005 to 30th September 2006



Under 14             1st October 2004 to 30th September 2005 



* Under 9 - Under 14 are required to pass a Junior preliminary skills assessment.

Please refer to JUNIOR SKILLS EVALUATION & SURF EDUATION for further details.


A few simple rules to be aware of at Sunday nippers


* Nipper club cap and high visibility rash shirts (hot pink) are compulsory. They are to be worn at roll call and during activities and caps are to be removed at the end of nippers after you have been marked off the roll by your age manager.


* Children must stay with their age group at all times, unless coaches take over for a specific activity.


* All nippers must have a parent/guardian on the beach or surrounds. Your child remains your responsibility.

Medication, trips to the toilet and the individual general welfare of each child on Mills beach is the responsibility of the parent or guardian.


* No child is to enter the water unless authorised by the age manager.


Activities - U6 & U7

In the U6 & U7 age groups, nippers is about having fun, learning about the Bay and gaining basic water skills like learning to wade through waves.


U6 & U7s do not attend carnivals or participate in championship days as this is a non-competitive age group.


Activities can range from life saving orientated events such beach relays, beach flags, wades, boards, to more game like activities such as dodge ball and obstacle races etc.


The children generally do not go past knee-waist depth but as the season goes on and their confidence develops, we try to encourage them to go out further where they feel comfortable.


What to expect...


9:30am Kiosk Open 

Selling hot and cold drinks, ice creams.


9:30am Ironman/Ironwomen Course                                         



9:50am Line up for Roll Call                    

Line up behind your age flag, infront of the club, ready to go with club cap

& pink vest on.

Place your named water bottle in the age group tub.



9:55am Nipper Debrief & Announcements                        

Important club announcements by Nipper Captain.


10:00am BBQ Open                                    

Selling egg & bacon rolls and sausages.


10:00am Roll Call                                        

Parents sign their child in on attendance sheet with age admin.



10:00 -12pm Beach, surf & educational activities                 

Activities lead by the age manager, these will vary between age groups.

Refer to the Events.


Children must stay with their Age Manager at all times - unless coaches take

over for a specific activity.


Safety measurements to be undertaken to ensure child’s safety at all times.


No child is to enter the water unless authorised by the age manager.

All members must have a parent/guardian on the beach/surrounds.


12:00pm Roll call

Parents to sign child out with age admin before leaving the beach.


Parent Involvement

All members of Mornington life saving club are volunteers. We rely heavily on parental help to be able to run our Nippers program - which also means sometimes getting a little wet!

We notice that the children really respond well when their parent is involved. If you wish to be involved in either Water Safety or helping out at Nipper days, please approach your age manager for more information.


Lost property

Please name all your children’s belongings with a black permanent marker -preferably on a part of your item that can be seen. The amount of rashies, bathers, towels, water bottles etc that is left behind on the beach is astounding!


* There is a lost property bin in the club near the downstairs showers.

Mornington Life Saving Club

1a Mills Beach on the Esplanade

Mornington 3931

Victoria Australia 



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