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Mornington Life Saving Club - Starfish Nippers 


Starfish Nippers has been supportive of people with special needs for many years.

The Starfish Nipper program was started by volunteer lifesaver Janet Jones at the Anglesea Surf Life Saving Club. Moreover, The Starfish Nipper aim is to provide a water safety and awareness program for children from age 6 and above. The program is designed to be inclusive to all abilities and needs in our community. The instances of the Starfish Nipper program running around Australia generally consist of 5-15 people depending on a number of factors (safety is the key factor).


Mornington Life saving Club would like to acknowledge Angelsea Surf Life Saving Club and Janet Jones for developing this initiative and for allowing our club to access the program.


The program is designed for young people with disabilities to give them beach and water safety awareness skills. The modified program runs in conjucntion with the age group Nipper Program.

It caters for children and young adults with special needs from 6 years of age and above. The special  needs spectrum includes children with autism, attention deficit disorder, Down Syndrome, Asberger's Sydrome, physical, intellectual and learning disabilities.


Activities include traditional beach games, beach running, beach flags, swimming, board skills, water familiarisation, beach and surf safety, music and Starfish greeting.


Safety is a high priority so we will have a ratio of 1 Nipper/1 Trainer, sometimes 2 Trainers for water activities. The program will be structured to meet each child's specific needs and abilities in and out of the water. We offer positive encouragement to make your child's experience an enjoyable one.  We do have a policy that a parent or carer be present on the beach at each session in case additional assistance is required.


It is also club policy that all parents/trainers require a current Working With Children Check click here.


Starfish Nippers will run in conjunction with the MLSC Nipper Program usually held each Sunday from 10am-12pm.

Please check calendar for Twilight dates.


For further information on joining/enrolling in the program or becoming a trainer please email –


Information for this program can be found at -






Mornington Life Saving Club

1a Mills Beach on the Esplanade

Mornington 3931

Victoria Australia 



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